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Prices & Plans

Personal Counselling

Single Session (Rolling basis):                                                          INR 1999.00


2 week Package* (Recommended):                                              INR  3599  (10% off)

4 week Package:                                                                                     INR   6799 (15% off)

8 week Package:                                                                                     INR   12,799 (20% off)

12 week Package** (Highly Recommended):                          INR   19,999 (20% off)

*We recommend our clients to book at least a 2-week package for us to have detailed and effective discussions. We will also be able to do Personality Assessments + Astro chart Analysis for us to find the right path and solutions.

** The 12-week program will offer the entire cycle of our '3Ps' service. Apart from solution-based therapy to attain your 'Peace' with the problem, we will also work with you to find your 'Purpose' and design a customized 'Plan' for you to ensure you achieve your life goal! 

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